Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More paintings in progress

Taking a Pause on the Caricatures

Gotta take break from caricatures for now folks. I currently have a back log of caricatures at the moment and don't have time to keep taking orders. I'll keep you all posted when I can return to take more orders. Thank you all for your patients and I am truly grateful for all the business and attention this is getting Illuskrate!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

caricature (Dad-Sol Bello) #21

Lets just say my dad and I are not the most keen on find our way around...pretty much anywhere. That's what prompted this illustration.

J-Rocc of the Beat Junkies

Friday, March 11, 2011

caricature (Omar Cachola) #19

Whoa, this guy is in Japan right now! Gladly, he's safe and sound and very far away from the earthquake epicenter on top of a very tall building in Nagoya. Hope all is well out there Omar my jealousy of your japanese excursions are sort of waning now (lol).  

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Buy A Caricature!

But seriously folks, I've been having a blast doing these drawings (even the free ones). But if you wanna help a one man, solo show here, please throw down a few of shekels and help me keep this going. If you get in line soon enough, YOUR caricature can even be part of my show in April, at the Usuals in downtown San Jose, and maybe in the book compilation later this year. Thanks again for all the support!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

caricature (D-Styles-Dave Cuasito) #16

One of my favorite DJ's of all time, D-Styles, of ISP and Beatjunkies fame. Hopefully he would be flattered and not disgusted with this small homage I'm paying to him for the great music he has provided to my ears over the years.