Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birts Peewee!

Journal Comic 10/24/2011

I realized that the last few comics I've done have been sort of a drag. It makes sense to me now that most of that stand out portions of my life, like many people, have been tragedies in my life. At least I remember them more vividly then other things because the traumatizing nature of the events. So to lighten the mood, I did a recent, more humorous, story of what happened to Angela and I on our 1st wedding anniversary night out to LB Steak house on Santana Row. Hopefully this trend of funnier stories continues.

Thanks again for reading,


P.S. Happy Birts Peewee!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wax Poetics Article

A painting I did a while back for an article David Ma wrote for Wax Poetics. It's a great read about DJ Babu, one of the DJ's that inspired me and my friends when we first started learning to spin records and skratch. Check out the Wax Po article and David's website Nerdtorious.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Caricature #37 (Izalah)

Okay I lied! Here's one more caricature that my wife commissioned me to create. It's of my niece Izalah and it's her birthday this Friday. Her and I play a game called "Robot Octopus" where we pretend to be...well...robotic octopi.  This should be my last one for a while but expect to see more other stuff coming this week. The next journal comic is coming soon so expect that some time this week.